Aims and objectives of the FAD

The Foundation was established to provide help to communities in Africa. The FAD wants to do this with modest resources, thus enhancing existing initiatives.

In the Statute at the establishment of the Foundation is written :

In consultation with village leaders and/or chiefs, and/or local authorities to provide  basic needs of residents of villages concerned. And perform all further acts that may be beneficial in relation thereto.

This mainly concerns activities related to basic needs of the residents: eye care, general health, education, water supply, provide incomes etc. We work as much as possible within the policy of the local authorities, that means national authorities and traditional leaders.

The Foundation was established in 2006. We prefer as much as possible direct supervision of the projects. We also have in-country local representatives, they represent the FAD during our absence. The articles also provide that all funds that the Foundation receives are spent on projects for the purpose .

Why Africa :
A few Board members have been for many years in West Africa through their work. Their experience and enthusiasm has not only inspired the other board members , but also provides an important input to the local communities and activities .

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