2020: what an odd year! Due to all restrictions we were able to visit Sierra Leone only once, in January. Fortunately there hasn’t been a very serious outbreak of Covid in Sierra Leone! The country learned a lot from the Ebola outbreak about 6 years ago and the Government implemented a lock-down and closing of the borders rather quickly. Although it was the right thing to do, it had some negative consequences for some FAD Projects.
But fortunately we were able to continue most of the projects due to the good management and communication with our FAD-Sierra Leone Team (James, AKK and Daniel). And so we can look back at a lot of good things that happened last year, despite the Corona crisis.
Eye Care.
- Since a few years we work hand in hand with SECOM, a small but very active local NGO (Non Governmental Organization) for Eye Care. They organize easy accessible eye camps in the rural area’s. Cataract is a main problem in these remote area’s. It can be operated, an operation costs € 50. With the help of FAD Secom has operated about 100 patients who couldn’t afford the expenses themselves.
- See the video of their activities:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qq-JoELh46w
- Last year Berend gave a training to the SECOM Staff. Because of the Corona we now continue with ‘on line lessons’. SECOM appreciates the efforts very much.
- From the Roman Catholic Foundation for the Blind and Persons with a Low Vision (http://ksbs.nl) we recieved a great donation of € 3.000 for a Blind Training Camp. See the report and video of this camp:
- Not every cooperation was successful: the Eye Hospital in Lunsar has suffered a lot in the Corona days: very few patients, financial difficulties, and due to circumstances our eye specialist Dr. Peter Slager could not finalize his full term. As soon as the conditions improve he will pick up his work in Sierra Leone with enthusiasm.
- The Leiden University Medical Centre donated a laser microscope for retina treatment. Soon we will ship it to the Eye Care Hospital in Freetown.
- Technical Training:
- Two years ago we started with the training of 6 young fellows. Last July 5 of them passed their exams (2 plumbers, 1 carpenter, 1 welder, 1 surveyor) Another land surveyor will get a second chance.
On their way to the practical training.
- The ones that passed got a job immediately, either with an employer or as a self employed entrepreneur. As far as we know they are very successful. We hope to visit them next year.
Now on the job
- In the mean time 8 new apprentices have been selected by FAD; they have started last September: 4 electricians, 2 masons, and 2 land surveyors.
- Nurses Training
- The nurses, 8 ward aids and 3 SRN’s, are all in their final year. They will sit for their exams in July 2021. Our Team in SL will select again 10 new candidates for the Nurses Training, to be sponsored by FAD.
the group of 8 ward aids.
- Fatima is the blind lady (since childhood) whom we are sponsoring for training. She is doing well and will start soon in the secondary school.
Fatima practicing on the donated typewriter.
- Amadu, who is doing a training as Cataract Surgeon, finished his first theoretical year and is now doing his practicals. Next year he will finalize his training in Banjul, The Gambia (sponsored by FAD).
- The ones that passed got a job immediately, either with an employer or as a self employed entrepreneur. As far as we know they are very successful. We hope to visit them next year.
- All seeds grow as we expected, fortunately no unexpected disappointments. The villagers generate an income by selling cassava leaves. With their machine they assist other farmers in the preparation of the cassava’s.. Next March they will process their own crop.
- Video on the processing of cassava:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akovX0-Ixxo
At the same time a second plot has been prepared and planted with new cassava seedlings. Now they can have an annual harvest of this plant with a two years cycle.
Health Posts:
- Wel follow the activities in Health Posts with great interest. FAD donated a quantity of drugs to be sold for controlled prices. In this way the Health Post will have a “revolving fund” to purchase new medicines or to maintain the building. FAD considers to increase this activity to other Health Posts.
Care for children:
- After 6 years FAD finished the support to two orphans (Helen and Foday) from a village of handicapped people (Polio and amputation). They lost their mother in 2014 and a step mother took care for them in the village. FAD gave financial support to raise and educate them. Last July they finished their Junior Secondary School. Hopefully they will find their way in life.
- This is the letter Helen wrote: brief orphans
Now, at the end of the year, we like to thank all supporters and well wishers of our Foundation.
We wish you a Happy New Year!
A basket with cassava’s.
Berend, Wim, Daniel, AKK, James, Bert en Beppie